Friday, December 30, 2005

My Hepatitis

It was April 1990 when I knew for the first time that I suffered from Hepatitis B. I was in my first early pregnancy. By the time Hepatitis B was an unhealed disease. My mom died four years before caused by Hepatitis B expanded to liver cancer, so were my grandma and grand grandma. In her pregnancy my aunt Wiwik suffered from Hepatitis B too. Her infant was catched by the virus and died six months after his born.
You can imagine how sad I was, felt so hopeless that I cried day by day.

But thank God for giving me two healthy sons.

I check my health every two or three years. Although the blood’s test shows the virus still stays in my liver, so far my liver works properly, and I feel healthy and strong.

People say a chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer after 15-20 years. And now, I’ve been suffering a cronic carrier hepatitis for at least 15 years. Will the virus bring me to the horrific diseases? I just hope for recovering, nothing else.