Saturday, February 11, 2006

No Hepatitis?

Last week a naturopath named Ir. Donny Hosea MBA PhD N.D. visited this page and dropped an email to me. Since the time we developed an interesting discussion about my disease. I sent my lab’s results to him –oh, I forgot to share them with you… I’ll do it in a few days….

Do you want to know what he said?

Opposed to my mind (and the doctors I've met before), he said that I might have no chronic hepatitis due to no sign of any liver damage nor failure. The lab’s results showing that my HbsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen) was positive while my HbsAb (hepatitis B surface antibody) was negative might be caused by another infection or just malnutrition.

He wrote, “I need to set your mind to just start from the beginning, analyze your problem by indicating all the possibilities of what happened to your body. Human is human. If there are any symptoms appear, then you must check all the possibilities, what made the symptoms. Eliminate the problems, and let the body do the natural way by his/her system to cure the problems.”

His opinion really makes me in two minds. Am I a chronic hepatitis B sufferer? Or not at all? I’ve been sure –and fear– that I suffered from chronic hepatitis B for more than 16 years. But his opinion gives me a glitter of hope. I’m preparing to change my mind, of great hopes it will be true.

But which one is true? Wait, I’m still discussing with him….